
LHU allowed to host English tests according to the 6-level Foreign Language Proficiency Framework

The Quality Management Bureau under the Ministry of Education and Training has just issued an official letter allowing Lac Hong University (LHU) to organize English proficiency tests according to the six-level foreign language proficiency framework for Vietnam.

Accordingly, LHU is permitted holding this exam in 2023.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Vu Quynh, Vice Rector of LHU said "The University wishes to organize this exam to contribute to improving English proficiency for those in need according to the six-level Foreign Language Proficiency Framework for Vietnam, enhancing learners' abilities to use English, especially in communication, referencing foreign materials, writing theses, international articles and attending international conferences and seminars".

LHU will host English language assessment tests according to the 6-level foreign language proficiency framework for Vietnam in the coming time

LHU's Center of Foreign Languages and Informatics is assigned to be responsible for fostering and organizing foreign language competency tests according to the 6-level foreign language proficiency framework for Vietnam, in collaboration with the National Testing Center, distributing exam papers for exams.

According to Mr. Quynh, the University will organize the exam on June 3 and 4; July 1 and 2; August 5 and 6; Sept 2 and 3; Oct 7 and 8; Nov 11 and 12; Dec 9 and 10. The expected fee is 1.8 million VND in 2023.

To date, there are 30 universities allowed to organize foreign language competency tests according to the Vietnam six-levels of foreign language proficiency framework, including 12 universities in the South: LHU; Ho Chi Minh City University of Education; Saigon University; Van Lang University; Can Tho University; Tra Vinh University; Ho Chi Minh University of Banking; Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City; Ho Chi Minh City University of Food Industry; Ho Chi Minh City University of Economics and Finance; University of Social Sciences and Humanities – Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City and Southern Can Tho University.


LHU, English, Six-Levels of Foreign Language Proficiency Framework

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