
Ho Chi Minh University of Banking visited and exchanged digital experiences with LHU

On August 8, a delegation from Ho Chi Minh University of Banking including Vice Rector Nguyen Tran Phuc along with 19 leaders of units visited and shared digital experiences with LHU.

Welcoming the delegation was Dr. Do Thi Lan Dai - Chairwoman of the University Council; DSc. Lam Thanh Hien - Rector; members of the Rectorate Board and leaders of departments and units. 

DSc. Huynh Cao Tuan - Director of Center of Information and Resources shared "digital ecosystem" with the delegation

The two sides met and exchanged digital experiences together

At the program, on behalf of LHU, DSc. Huynh Cao Tuan – Director of Center of Information and Resources; MSc. Nguyen Trong Vinh – Head of Office of Academic Affairs; Dr. Nguyen Van Trung - Director of Center of Admissions and Public Relations and Dr. Le Phuong Truong - Head of Office of Educational Testing and Q.A introduced and presented digital applications in management, enrollment and training at LHU.

With 11 specialists and staff members, over the past 15 years, the Center has developed and deployed 45 software and systems to serve the University's management, training and teaching”, DSc. Huynh Cao Tuan – Director of Center of Information and Resources was proud to share about the “digital ecosystem” at LHU.

Dr. Nguyen Tran Phuc - Vice Rector of HCM University of Banking expressed his wish to learn experiences in building and developing IT systems at the University

Mr. Tuan especially highlighted the digital activities of LHU over the years. In 2008, LHU embarked on building an information system and campus network, mainly focusing on infrastructure and network security. He also added in the past 15 years, the University has developed and implemented 45 software and systems for management, training and teaching. Estimated investment for human resources has been up to 20 billion VND (excluding the investment capital for infrastructure and equipment).

Dr. Do Thi Lan Dai – Chairwoman of the LHU's Council said "scalability and sustainable development are the keys that we aim at the LHU community. What we have shared with you is what we have had to make a lot of efforts. Through this sharing session, we hope that the two sides will develop together and make an impact in the communities we both serve."

Dr. Do Thi Lan Dai speaking at the program

DSc. Lam Thanh Hien - Rector (right) representing LHU receiving a souvenir from HCM University of Banking

On behalf of HCM University of Banking, Vice Rector Nguyen Tran Phuc expressed his impressment and excitement before LHU's thoughtful and enthusiastic sharing. The HCM University of Banking wishes to learn experiences with LHU in building and developing the IT system. Mr. Phuc said "through this sharing session, we have many things to learn in building effective management and training activities, and hopefully the two units will cooperate in a number of fields in the near future".

The two sides in a memorable photo


LHU, HCM University of Banking, share, IT, digital experiences

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